Why Vegan?
Meat – Meat is murder. (Animals are forcefully killed against their will.)
Vegetarianism – Because it’s not enough. (Countless animals are killed because of milk, eggs, leather, fur, wool, silk or honey…)
Fur & Leather – Fur & Leather are death. (Animals are skinned alive or put into gas chambers.)
Silk – Silk is death. (Silkworms are boiled while still alive.)
Dairy products – Dairy is rape. (Killing of male baby calves and cows exhausted from exploitation.)
Eggs – Eggs are thievery. (plus enslavement, killing of male chicks and hens that have stopped laying eggs.)
Wool – Wool is exploitation, thievery and cruelty. (Animals develop infections and die.)
Down and Feathers – Relentless cruelty. (Goose down is pulled while animals are still conscious without any anesthetic.)
Honey products – Honey products are murder. (Crushing bees in the making of honey. Queen Bees are raped during artificial insemination.)
Animal experiments – Death and torture. (Animals are infected with diseases or are injected with toxic substances.)
Riding – Riding is deformation, exploitation and enslavement. (It deforms and causes long-lasting physical damages to the horse’s and camel’s spines. Elephants are trained in exceptional torture.)
Dog sledding – Cruel exploitation of dogs. (Sled towing and frozen animals – winter sports with dogs.)
Circus – The circus is enslavement. (Animals are kept like slaves their whole life and are trained by trainers in an exceptionally cruel way.)
Zoos – Prison for innocent animals. (Animals are kept in narrow cages or small spaces in an unnatural environment. Sentenced to imprisonment without any guilt.)
Guide dogs – they go under an exceptionally cruel and torturous training.
Police dogs – They are given drugs so they can nose them.
Bullfighting – Brutal murder. (Bulls are pierced with spears to death as an entertainment for the audience.)
Rodeo – Cruel torture. (Mutilation of horses, bulls and other animals for the audience’s entertainment.)
Pet food – Food for dogs and cats with animal ingredients. (It is made with male chicks and female ducklings, especially the cat’s food.)
Animal fights – Death fight. (Dogs, roosters and other animals fight to death for the audience’s entertainment.)
Hunting – Murder for entertainment. (Legally permitted and entirely legal murder of innocent animals with the purpose of entertainment.)
Because any innocent being has right of life and freedom.